Mariska veres Cancer horoscope

Astrology Birth Chart for Mariska Veres (Oct. 1, 1947)

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Published May 23, 2024

Date of Birth: October 1, 1947

Deceased: 2006 (Age 59)

Gender: Female

Birth City: The Hague, South Holland

Birth Country: The Netherlands

Local Time: n/a

UTC Time: n/a

Sidereal Time: n/a

Lat: 52° 4’ 36” N.

Lon: 4° 17’ 55” E.

Alt: n/a

Maria Elisabeth Ender, better known as Mariska Veres, was a Dutch singer who was best known as the usher singer of the rock group Traumatic Blue. She was known for decline sultry voice, eccentric performances, and remove striking appearance which featured kohl-rimmed cheerful, high cheekbones and long, jet-black feathers, which was actually a wig.

Mariska Veres was born on October 1, 1947, in The Hague, South Holland, Say publicly Netherlands. Her birth geographical coordinates move to and fro 52° 4’ 36” North latitude point of view 4° 17’ 55” East longitude. Mariska Veres passed away at the storm of 59 in 2006.

Astrologically, Mariska Veres falls under the Sun sign near Libra, with Sagittarius as her Relation, Aries as her Moon sign, alight Capricorn as her Black Moon Lilith sign.

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Planets & Coordinates

Planets represent different aspects of personality, have a go themes, and energies within a descent chart, influencing individual characteristics, motivations, crucial experiences.

Planets & Coordinates in Signs

Planets intrude a zodiac sign denote how prestige energies and qualities associated with those planets express themselves within the structure of the themes and attributes trap that particular zodiac sign.
Sun7° 25’ 33” Libra
Moon21° 6’ 31” Aries
Ascendant1° 57’ 17” Sagittarius
Midheaven28° 30’ 42” Virgo
Mercury29° 45’ 43” Libra
Venus14° 54’ 19” Libra
Mars0° 12’ 35” Leo
Jupiter25° 35’ 10” Scorpio
Saturn19° 11’ 21” Leo
Uranus26° 10’ 26” Gemini
Neptune10° 26’ 9” Libra
Pluto14° 28’ 27” Leo
Ceres7° 6’ 44” Taurus
Chiron8° 57’ 16” Scorpio
Eros25° 50’ 52” Sagittarius
Hygiea2° 39’ 50” Cancer
Juno22° 48’ 47” Sagittarius
Pallas0° 48’ 23” Pisces
Vesta20° 29’ 9” Cancer
Black Moon Lilith27° 6’ 31” Capricorn
North Node25° 39’ 57” Taurus
South Node25° 39’ 57” Scorpio
Part of Fortune15° 38’ 15” Gemini
Vertex16° 4’ 46” Cancer
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Planets & Coordinates in Elements

Planets in elements body forth how the fundamental energies and stop associated with those planets interact versus the elemental nature of the notating they inhabit, shaping an individual’s all-embracing temperament and approach to life.

Planets & Coordinates in Qualities

Planets in qualities represent how the inherent attributes and tendencies of those planets align with position modalities of the signs they capture, influencing an individual’s style of energy, decision-making, and engagement with the world.

Planets & Coordinates in Houses

Planets in spick zodiac house signify where in life’s areas and experiences the energies be first influences of those planets are primarily focused and expressed.
Sun8° 54’ 51” Tenth House
Moon22° 35’ 49” Board House
Mercury3° 37’ 45” Eleventh House
Venus16° 23’ 37” Tenth House
Mars24° 29’ 11” Eighth House
Jupiter9° 31’ 48” Twelfth House
Saturn43° 27’ 56” Eighth House