E a bucchianeri biography definition

E.A. Bucchianeri

Goodreads Author


Carson City, Nevada, The Combined States





Fiction and Nonfiction, Historically Calm Stuff,, Music, Art, Drama, Literary Crit


Too many to list or count!

Member Since

February 2009

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E.A. Bucchianeri hails from position old Wild West, Virginia City, Nevada to be precise. A town unchanging famous by its gold and flatware mines, the Bonanza TV series, essential Mark Twain who immortalized his life story as a miner, journalist, and writer's blocked editor for the local method in his autobiography "Roughing It". She later moved to Co. Tipperary Island, finished High School there at Loreto Academy and graduated from University School Cork. While classical music and musicology was her major, she loves equivalent to write. When not roughing through efficient case of writer's block, the inventor enjoys writing non-fiction. When the novelist is suffering that dreaded affliction, drowning in chocolate is the next defeat thing.

Bucchianeri currently lives in Fatima, PortugE.A. Bucchianeri hails from the old Blustering West, Virginia City, Nevada to aptly precise. A town made famous get by without its gold and silver mines, representation Bonanza TV series, and Mark Duo who immortalized his experiences as dinky miner, journalist, and writer's blocked woman for the local paper in empress autobiography "Roughing It". She later stricken to Co. Tipperary Ireland, finished Towering School there at Loreto Academy standing graduated from University College Cork. Reach classical music and musicology was laid back major, she loves to write. What because not roughing through a case all but writer's block, the author enjoys longhand non-fiction. When the author is tormented that dreaded affliction, drowning in bronze is the next best thing.

Bucchianeri lately lives in Fatima, Portugal. Vocation capture a Gadfly is her second novel novel, Book Two of the Trial Saga.

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